We combine traditionand innovation todesign the bestsolution.


We were born more than 50 years ago with a vocation for service, as since our beginnings we have been inexorably linked to finding a solution to a great challenge: solving the scarcity of water in the south of Gran Canaria in the 1970s, when Maspalomas began to position itself as an international tourist destination.

The purpose was to guarantee basic and adequate water supply services with the necessary quality, so as to respond to the challenge of converting Maspalomas Costa Canaria into a world tourism reference, while at the same time transferring service excellence to the local population and the agricultural sector. A triple challenge that we securely overcame. These origins have marked the DNA of our company, imprinting innovation and the ability to excel as an enduring part of our brand, providing solutions to the ever changing challenges that arise.

Pioneers in applying the latesttechnologies to water management with theutmost care for the natural surroundings

In these more than 50 years of existence we have always anticipated the demands of the market and the sector, championing innovation and cutting-edge technology, but also being faithful to our origins and the passion with which the company was founded to solve the challenges of the time. Therefore, in these years we have been privileged witnesses of the evolution of the water sector, being participants in some of its main milestones, contributing unique and original innovations. Along these lines, we were pioneers in Europe in aspects such as the construction of submarine outfalls and the reuse of treated water for irrigating golf courses and gardens.

In this way, the work of ELMASA Tecnología del Agua combines tradition (the craftmanship and artisan care of the past) with cutting edge technology, which we have progressively integrated over the years.


50 years ofinnovation



Creation of the ELMASA brand, with Eléctrica Maspalomas, for the production of water and electricity for the development of the tourist industry in the south of Gran Canaria.


European pioneers in the construction of submarine outfalls and in the reuse of treated water to irrigate gardens and golf courses.


Creation of Hidramasa, dedicated to the exploitation of wells, ground surveys, canals and dams (nowadays).

Maspalomas I. Construction of the first brackish water desalination plant in the Canary Islands using reverse osmosis (20,000 m³/d).


Maspalomas II.
Construction of the seawater desalination plant using the reverse osmosis (RO) process.
(9,000 – 25,000 m3/d)


Maspalomas I.
Start of the desalination plant conversion from brackish water to seawater, through the construction of two RO lines of 1,500 m³/d.


Venturi diffuser project, in collaboration with the ITC (Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias) and Canaragua, to improve the dilution process and reduce the environmental impact on marine ecosystems in discharges of brine from desalination plants.


Creation of ELMASA Tecnología del Agua.


Obtainment of the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate.


Obtainment of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Certificate.

Maspalomas I. Installation of the desalinated water remineralization plant (12,000 m3/d).


Maspalomas I. Installation of the catchment outfall with open seawater intake and ultrafiltration plant for pretreatment. With this work, the production capacity of the RO plant lies at 14,500 m³/d, completing the conversion from brackish water RED (reverse electrodialysis) to seawater RO, whereby ceasing to extract 5,000,000 m3 of water per year from the aquifer.


Maspalomas II. Redesign of the plant to adapt its water production capacity to 19,500 m3/d, reduce its specific energy consumption to 1.8 kWh/m3, and improve water quality by installing a remineralization plant.


Opening of the manufacturing and assembly workshop in Arinaga (Gran Canaria), to optimize services provided to customers.


(2017-2021) (2017-2021) Six comprehensive refurbishment projects of Seawater Desalination Stations in the Canary Islands were carried out, aimed at improving energy efficiency, water quality and the automation and control of the facilities, achieving a decrease in annual energy consumption of 31,700 MWh; which is equivalent to a reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere of more than 90,000 tons.


Establishment of the company SOLO H20 Canarian Water Solutions, in conjunction with the company TAGUA, in order to face internationalization successfully and with guarantees.


First desalination plant which directly integrates solar energy production with desalinated water production for the Commonwealth of the North of Gran Canaria.


ELMASA celebrates 50 years of history remaining faithful to its tradition and seeking to be a reference in water treatment, with a firm commitment to sustainable development and the environment.