| Institutional

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information : institutional, historical, economic

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information : institutional, historical, economic

| Institutional

ELMASA Tecnología del Agua ULC is a company which was created in the 1960s and operated under the name Eléctrica de Maspalomas until 2006. Property of the Castillo Family, from the company’s beginnings it faced the challenge of solving the scarcity of water in the south of Gran Canaria for residents, agricultural use, and for tourism that was gradually developing at the time. To solve this challenge, ELMASA Tecnología del Agua was born, in order to respond in a professional manner to the demand for water in sufficient quantity and quality. Our history is therefore a story of technological evolution and its implementation through continuous private investment. Since its origins the company’s activities have dealt with water catchment through wells, intakes, dams, canals and transport pipelines, brackish water desalination plants, seawater desalination plants, drinking water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, seawater immissaries, outfalls and brine and treated water discharge diffusion systems, distribution of drinking water and distribution of reclaimed water. The firm has focused on water and the environment, the management of public water supply, sanitation and purification services, the design and construction of hydraulic plants, the exploitation of all types of hydraulic infrastructure, the planning of hydraulic resources, quality services, prevention and the environment.

We are located at:

Address: Avenida de Tirajana, 39. Edificio Mercurio, T-II, P-6ª. San Bartolomé de Tirajana. Las Palmas. España. Phone: (+34) 928.778.877 Fax: (+34) 928.778.892 Email: elmasa@elmasa.es Web: www.elmasa.es

| Organizational

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information : organizational

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information : organizational

| Organizational

The regulations that govern and regulate the activity of the company, both its commercial aspects and those relating to the management of public services that constitute its main purpose, are very numerous and extensive. The most notable are listed below

  • Decree 1775/1967, of July 22, on the Regime for Industrial Establishment, Expansion and Transfer.
  • Royal Decree 2135/1980, of September 26, on Industrial Liberalization.
  • Order of December 19, 1980, on the rules of procedure and development of Royal Decree 2135/1980, of September 26, on Industrial Liberalization.
  • DECREE 174/1994, of July 29, which approves Discharge Control Regulations and Hydraulic Public Domain Protection.
  • Law 22/1988, of July 28, on Coastal Areas.
  • Decree 86/2002, of July 2, which approves the Regulations on Hydraulic Public Domains.
  • Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulation, approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology Decree 842/2002, August 2 (BOE 18/19/2002).
  • ITC-BT Complementary Technical Instructions, approved by Order of August 2, 2002 (BOE 18/09/2002).
  • Fire Safety Regulations in industrial establishments, approved by Royal Decree 2267/2004, of December 3, pertaining to the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (BOE number 303 of 17/12/2004).
  • Decree 147/2007, of May 24. Regulates the legal regime of contaminated soils in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands and the Inventory of Contaminated Soils of the Canary Islands is created.
  • Royal Decree 2060/2008, of December 12, which approves Pressure Equipment Regulations and their complementary technical instructions.
  • MIE-AP Complementary Technical Instructions of the Pressure Appliances Regulation, approved by Orders of the Ministry of Industry and Energy.
  • Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of July 2, which approves the consolidated text of the Limited Companies Law.
  • Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.
  • Royal Decree 876/2014, of October 10, which approves the General Regulation of Coastal Areas.
  • Law 12/2014, of December 26, on transparency and access to public information.
  • Royal Decree 817/2015, of September 11, which establishes the criteria for monitoring and evaluating the state of surface waters and environmental quality standards.
  • Law 9/2017, of November 8, on Public Sector Contracts, which transposes into the Spanish legal system the Directives of the European Council and Parliament 2014/23/UE and 2014/24/UE, of February 26, 2014.
  • Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Personal Data Protection and the guarantee of digital rights.
  • Law 12/1990, of July 26, on the Waters pertaining to the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.
  • Code of Ethics of the ELMASA GROUP AND ITS COMPANIES.

Information regarding the company’s functions and capacities, corporate and foundational purpose

The Organization

The ELMASA Group is headed by INVERELMASA Ltd, and includes various companies that carry out different activities, among which ELMASA TECNOLOGÍA DEL AGUA (ULC) stands out in the field of integrated water management, for the number of employees and business volume.



The Organization is made up by:

– The Chairman of the Board of Directors:

  • Don Pedro Agustín del Castillo Machado. Economist

– The manager:

  • Don Juan Carlos González Bauzá. Industrial Engineer

Functions and Capacities

The corporate purpose of ELMASA TECNOLOGÍA DEL AGUA (ULC) is mainly based on the development of engineering, construction and hydraulic infrastructure operations necessary to carry out the integral water cycle.

The company also provides services and specialized technical assistance in water treatment, desalination, wastewater treatment and remote control systems. Additionally, it has the necessary means and experience for the development of hydraulic and hydrological planning so as to respond to the different public administration needs

The company’s future objectives are: to consolidate itself as the main Canary Islands technology company in the water and environmental sector; the continuous improvement in service guarantees and the improvement in the quality of the infrastructures that it manages for the collection, production, transport and treatment of water, with greater near future demands; the continuity of the research and innovation projects under way and the continued expansion of its international presence.

Company Organizational Chart


The Group and its companies are committed at all times to Human and Work Rights, aligned with the 10 basic principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the declarations of the International Labour Organization

The Group expresses their commitment to fair competition, always complying with current regulations and legality, as well as respecting the customs and cultural diversity of those markets in which it operates.

The company willact with honesty and integrity in its relations with Governments, Administrations and local Corporations, avoiding and reporting corruption, fraud and extortion or bribery, in any of its forms.

The company undertakes to protect the integrity and health of its workers through a policy based on strict compliance with applicable regulations in this matter, as well as providing training in Occupational Risk Prevention.

The entity maintains a commitment to sustainable development and the environment, promoting innovation and equipping itself with the appropriate means and contingency plans to prevent or diminish incidents that could affect the natural surroundings.

Likewise, the company expresses its commitment to the highest quality standards in the provision of its services, especially with regards to water quality. The Group is aware of the social importance of the activity it carries out, for which reason all its undertakings will be carried out with the utmost diligence.

  • Ethical code
  • Compliance Policy
  • Quality Policy

| Economic and Financial Information

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information: Economic and Financial

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information: Economic and Financial

| Economic and Financial Information

Annual accounts that must be rendered by the entity (balance sheet, economic outturn account, profit and loss account, annual report and, where appropriate, budget settlement)

In accordance with current regulations and on an annual basis, ELMASA TECNOLOGÍA DEL AGUA (ULC), presents its yearly accounts, Said information is published in the Las Palmas Mercantile Register

Audited accounts and fiscal control reports by external bodies.

In accordance with current regulations and on an annual basis, ELMASA TECNOLOGÍA DEL AGUA (ULC) presents its yearly accounts. Said information is published in the Las Palmas Mercantile Register.

| Contracts

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information: contracts

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information: contracts

| Contracts

Description and purpose; duration, amount bid and awarded, procedure used, instruments through which (if applicable) it has been advertised; number of bidders participating in the procedure, and the identity of the people or entities to whom the contract is awarded.

Work Contracts

2020 Spanish Air Force – Canary Islands Air Command Improvement of the pumping wells of the SDP 1 (seawater desalination plant) at the Gando Air Force Base 2020/EA14/00002969 2 months 39,990.20 € 39,990.20 € Finalized
2021 Commonwealth of Town Councils of the north of Gran Canaria Project drafting, legalization, supply and installation of water production and treatment plants with circular economy criteria in the Gran Canaria science and technology park. Circular economy experimental area co-financed 85% by FEDER and the remaining 15% by the Cabildo (Council) de Gran Canaria 72/2021 7 months 277.879,99 € 194.003,16 € Ongoing

Service Contracts

2020 Spanish Air Force – Canary Islands Air Command Maintenance and operation of the water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants and sewerage networks of the Gando Air Force Base 2020/EA14/00000737 12 months 404.665,86 € 249.589,60 € Finalized
2021 Spanish Air Force – Canary Islands Air Command Maintenance and operation of the water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants and sewerage networks of the Gando Air Force Base – Contract extension. 2021/EA14/00000464 7 months 155.785,49 155.785,49 Finalized

Supply Contracts

2021 Island Council of El Hierro Spare parts for SDP equipment 3127/2021 3 months 15.000,00 € 14.998,14 € Finalized
2021 Fuerteventura Water Supply Consortium Supply of spare parts and materials for equipment for the Gran Tarajal desalination plant S/26-20 5 months 35.000,00 € 28.889,94 € Finalized
2021 Fuerteventura Water Supply Consortium Supply of butterfly valves for the desalination plants of the Fuerteventura Water Supply Consortium S/23-20 4 months 35.000,00 € 24.296,57 € Finalized

Statistical data on the percentage in budget volume of contracts awarded through each of the procedures provided for in the public sector contract legislation

Not applicable

Modifications of formalized contracts

Not applicable

List of minor contracts: Description and purpose; duration, amount bid and amount awarded, procedure used, instruments through which (if applicable), it has been advertised; number of bidders participating in the procedure, and the identity of the people or entities to whom the contract was awarded.

Minor Work Contracts

2020 Spanish Air Force – Canary Islands Air Command Chlorination System Repair at GRUALERCON 1 month 4.923,53 € 4.923,53 € Finalized
2021 Spanish Air Force – Canary Islands Air Command Impulse by-pass adaptation work in the Lazareto reservoir at the Gando Air Force Base 2021/EA14/2420 1 month 6.783,27 € 6.783,27 € Finalized
2021 Spanish Air Force – Canary Islands Air Command Repair service of the firefighters water tank pump at the Gando Air Force Base 2021/EA14/3908 1 month 2.682,74 € 2.682,74 € Finalized
2021 Spanish Air Force – Canary Islands Air Command Repair of the water pump at the Gando Air Force Base 2021/EA14/3909 2 months 931,55 € 931,55 € Finalized


Minor Service Contracts

2020 Consejo Insular de Aguas de Gran Canaria DESAL+ Project: Service for the implementation of water emissions at Bocabarranco SDP, production report Cont-56/20 3 months 5.580,00 € 5.580,00 € Finalized
2020 Technological Institute of the Canary Islands Technical Assistance in the preparation of bidding technical specifications for the legalization of the sanitation and treatment infrastructure managed by La Palma Insular Water Authority 0101/2020 9.450,00 € 9.450,00 € Finalized
2020 Technological Institute of the Canary Islands Technical Assistance for drafting the Feasibility Report for the implementation of a seawater desalination plant to obtain water for agricultural use in the Guatiza-Mala area, island of Lanzarote 1843/2020 3.900,00 € 3.900,00 € Finalized
2020 Island Council of El Hierro Repair service for electrical breakdowns in the desalination stations of the Island Council: Corrective Maintenance – Various breakdowns at the Cangrejos SDP and El Golfo SCADA software and variable-frequency drives 2848/2020 4.316,73 € 4.316,73 € Finalized
2020 Island Council of El Hierro Control and diagnosis service for failures and breakdowns at the desalination plants of the Island Council 2887/2020 1.235,00 € 1.235,00 € Finalized
2021 Island Council of El Hierro Control and diagnosis service for failures and breakdowns at the desalination plants of the Island Council 2887/2020 12.000,00 € 12.000,00 € Finalized

Decisions for withdrawal and contract waivers

Not applicable

(pdf, odt)

de gestióny enmiendas| Management agreements

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information: management agreements and amendments

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information: management agreements and amendments

| Agreements and Management Amendments

Signatory parties and agreement name; object, indicating the actions or activities committed; term and conditions of validity; entity or body in charge of contract execution and economic/financial obligations, indicating the amounts that correspond to each of the signatory parties.

Currently we do not have agreements with any public body.

Modifications made during the contract period: reasons and date.

Currently we do not have agreements with any public body.

| Grants and Subsidies

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information: Grants and Subsidies

Modification date: 28/07/2022
General Company Information: Grants and Subsidies

| Grants and Subsidies

Amount; objective or purpose, and beneficiary (person or entity).

The subsidies received in the last three-year period are those destined to lower the cost for our customers water desalination an extraction from wells and galleries for agricultural irrigation.

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Government of the Canary Islands – Viceministry for the Primary Sector Subsidies destined to farmers in order to cheapen the additional costs of desalination and water extraction from wells and galleries for agricultural irrigation. Grant call: 2018 2019 210.772,32 €
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Government of the Canary Islands – Viceministry for the Primary Sector Subsidies destined to farmers in order to cheapen the additional costs of desalination and water extraction from wells and galleries for agricultural irrigation. Grant call: 2019 2020 102.451,00 €
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Government of the Canary Islands – Viceministry for the Primary Sector Subsidies destined to farmers in order to cheapen the additional costs of desalination and water extraction from wells and galleries for agricultural irrigation. Grant call: 2020 2021 92.392,86 €
